Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Eating Disorder: Diabulimia

A lot of young people (mostly girls) suffer from eating disorders. One eating disorder imparticular is never talked about and hardly ever heard of. It's called Diabulimia. Diabulimia is an eating disorder that some diabetics go through. Diabulimics will keep their blood sugar levels high and not take their insulin so they can lose weight. It is extremely dangerous! It will send diabetics into DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis). DKA makes you very sick! If you get DKA, you can end up in a coma or even die. Diabulimia is just like any other eating disorder. It's serious, it's a problem, and it shouldn't go untreated! I am going to post a link below. A teenage girl tells her story about living with Diabulimia and how close she came, muliple times, to almost losing her life.

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