Wednesday, December 5, 2012

True Life: I have Diabetes

For years, I have watched MTV's "True Life". They have so many different episodes about different lifestyles and common problems that people have or go through. They have episodes about drug use, depression and anxiety, turrets, and so much more! The show really takes you into the lives of the people living with different disorders, etc.
I just came across my favorite episode of "True Life" ever! It's called "True Life: I have Diabetes". The three young adults in this episode, show the world a little bit of what it's like living with diabetes and the problems diabetics face that no one else ever thinks about! It is CRAZY how much I can relate to all 3 of the diabetics in the show!
My blood sugars have gotten out of control from drinking to the point I was in hospital for a few days. I worry a lot about how is my disease going to affect me and my kids when I get pregnant. A lot of people don't realize that when a diabetic becomes pregnant, the pregnancy becomes high risk. Diabetic mothers will often have large babies. If the mother's blood sugar gets too high,  the baby could even die. Diabetes is also EXPENSIVE!!! I worry A LOT about how I am going to take care of my health and pay all my medical bills once I am out on my own. Insurance doesn't cover everything!
If you would like to get a better understanding of diabetes and what it's like to live with diabetes I highly suggest that you watch this "True Life" episode. I copied the link below. The episodes are usually an hour but there are no commercials so it's only about 40 minutes! Please watch!

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