Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Check out this App!

Just like any other young adult I'm constantly using my phone....I'm a snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Instagramming fanatic! So of course when I find an app that helps me control my diabetes is amazing! It's called Carbs and Cals. It is great for carb counting! It doesn't measure portion size by asking how many cups of corn did you shows pictures! There will be a picture of a large plate and there will be different pictures with different amounts of corn in each picture (I'm just using corn as an example). I'm going to try to upload some screen shots to explain better how it works. I could just do a video but I'm not sure I'm ready to record myself yet! Lol. There's an option called "My Foods" and you can program any of your favorite foods in there so you can always have the amount of carbs on hand! You can also scan bar codes, and from the bar code the app will find your food in the data base. I haven't used this feature much but it's still pretty cool! The only thing about this app is that it costs about $5.00. I was a little hesitant on buying it but I figured I would use it a lot and if it helps ne have better control on my blood sugars then it's definitely worth it! This app isn't just for diabetics! If you are on a diet and you have to count calories or carbs then it will also be a huge help to you! Now, let me see if I can upload some pictures of the app...

Here is what the list of categories looks like. The picture doesn't show all of them...there are more! It's pretty cool because you can search by brand name, what kind of food you are looking for like fruits, vegetables, or bread.

I honestly think this is the coolest part of the app! This is how the app measures portion size! Who in their right mind wants to go through the trouble measuring out a cup of peas, etc. Once you figure out which portion size you had you click on it and add it to your meal. It's pretty simple!
I hope this app helps other diabetics with their carb counting and other people that are looking to count carbs and calories! FYI... I'm wearing my "Insulin Powered" t-shirt today! :)

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