Monday, October 7, 2013

Insurance companies are a pain in the a**!

I think a while ago I mentioned something about having an omnipod...maybe I didn't...I don't remember...but anyways I used the omnipod for a little over a year and I hated it. For those that don't know what the omnipod is, it is an insulin pump that doesn't have tubing. At first, I thought the omnipod was the greatest thing. Not having a wire to get tangled up in everything was amazing...but that's about the only good thing about it. It was so bulky! When I wore it under clothing it looked like a had some kind of growth coming off my stomach or wherever I decided to wear it. At least once a week I would get a pod (holds the insulin, attaches to skin) error which meant something went wrong with the pod and I would have to change it...once you fill a pod with insulin there is no way to get the insulin out... So when you throw a pod away you are throwing away sometimes I would be wasting 200+ units of insulin because of these pod errors! Other times, the canula would come out from under my skin and I wouldn't get any notice at all so my blood sugar would sky rocket! So after dealing with that for months I decided enough was enough. I stopped using the omnipod and went back to insulin injections. I've been on injections for probably 4 months or so but I really want another insulin pump but I WILL NOT go back to the omnipod. I applied for an accucheck insulin pump but the insurance company denied it! Ugh! There was more info the insurance company wanted so I sent that stuff over about a week ago but still haven't heard anything. I am getting very impatient! My life would be so much easier with a pump! I am keeping my fingers crossed that hopefully I will hear something very soon!

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