Friday, January 11, 2013

Can I tear out my Pancreas?!

I really wish I cold tear out my pancreas! My blood sugars are never stable and I really don't have any hope that they will be. For about the last week my blood sugars have been going low several times a day. I haven't had much of an appetite so I haven't been eating as much so I think that probably has something to do with it. But usually my blood sugars are higher than they are suppose to be. Now, when I get my blood sugar to a normal level, they drop again. It's like I can't ever win. There is never a happy medium when it comes to having diabetes. Atleast not for me anyway. I need to call my endocronologist but I know as soon as he changes my basal rates and all that good stuff, I will be running high again. So, would I rather have high blood sugars or low blood sugars?
Diabetes interferes with EVERYTHING in my life. Last night at work, I got in trouble because I went on break before I was told to. No, I didn't ask to go on break but my blood sugar was low anyway so I didn't have much of a choice.
Before I started having a lot of lows, I would wake up in the morning feeling good and I would have energy when I got out of bed. But now, I have no energy and I am finding it very hard to get out of bed every morning. I don't really have much energy during the day either. I just want to sleep. This crap has been pissing me off a lot lately. I do not want to have diabetes anymore!

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