Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Dear Diabetes

Dear Diabetes,
I just thought I would write you letter explaining how I really feel about you. We definitely have a love hate relationship. I think the only reason I love you is because over the years, you have made me a stronger person.

 I hate you because you are the reason I will never live a "normal" life. There are so many things in life that are supposed to be simple but because of you they are difficult for me. You have made living for me very expensive.

Because of you there is always at least one minute in every day when I don't feel good (it's usually several minutes). I hate you for entering the lives of little innocent children. No one should have to give themselves needles just to stay alive but it's harder for kids because they don't understand why this happened to them. They just want to be like their friends but instead their time with friends is spent trying to explain their disease. If one day you decide to enter the lives of my children you better look out because that's just one more reason I have to fight like hell!


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