Tuesday, December 3, 2013

This sh*t is getting old!

It's been about 2 mionths since I started the process of getting an insulin pump. I had hoped I would have it by Thanksgiving but Thanksgiving has come and gone and I still don't have an insulin pump. I feel like the people that were helping me get approved for an insulin pump have given up. The last time I contacted someone about the status of my pump was on November 21 and I still have not heard back from anyone.

 Today, I finally sent out an email trying to figure out what the hell is going on!!!! This whole process should not be this damn difficult! The insurance company has all the doctor's documents that proves I would benefit from having an insulin pump but I still get denied. The only reason I could really think of as to why insurance hasn't approved me yet is because my last insulin pump is still under warranty.

 I even talked to someone about how often I can get a new pump and they told me every 2 years. Well guess what??? It had been 2 years in September since I got a new insulin pump. The insurance company even has documentation of all the times my Omnipod malfunctioned but I STILL CANT GET APPROVED! This is really getting old.

 I am tired of taking time out of my day to give myself insulin injections. I am tired of the multiple bruises on my stomach. I am tired of making sure I take my lantus before I go to bed. It would be nice if I could go to bed at 7pm if I wanted. But I can't. I have to stay awake until at least 9 to take my lantus. Ugh.  I am just tired of having diabetes all together but an insulin pump would make my life so  much easier!

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