Friday, November 29, 2013

I love pizza but my blood sugar does not!

Anyone who has diabetes knows that pasta, pizza, bread, etc. will make your blood sugar skyrocket! When I was learning how to count carbs I was taught that a slice of pizza is about 30g of carbs. That's not completely wrong but it's not exactly right either. A small slice of pizza is probably 30g of carbs. If you go out to a restaurant and order a slice of pizza it's usually a large slice! So most likely when you order a slice of pizza it's going to be about 40-50g of carbs.

 For a while I would count 30g of carbs for a slice of Dominos pizza because their slices aren't that big. I knew for a fact I was counting those carbs correctly but my blood sugar would still spike even after I gave myself the proper amount of insulin. So, what I started doing when I eat foods that are high in carbs and starch is I add extra insulin or I count carbs higher than they actually are so I get more insulin.

This brings me to the next problem... when you eat pizza, pasta, etc. you are most likely going to use A LOT of insulin. Maybe it's just me. Maybe other diabetics react differently to these foods. I had 2 large slices of pizza for dinner. I counted each slice as 40g of carbs so all together that's 80g of carbs. Now, my carb to insulin ratio is 1 unit of insulin to every 6g of carbs. I ended up giving myself 13 units. That seems like a lot to me.

 On top of that I had a glass of milk (pizza and milk do not go together but I'm on this medicine that I have to mix with my drink and it's pretty disgusting) so by the time I took my shot I had to take 17 units of insulin.

Now every diabetic is different. One diabetic's blood sugar may not spike as high as mine does when they eat pizza. Some diabetics are on insulin pumps which makes controlling blood sugars easier. But for me pizza does not like me at all! I took a ton of insulin and I'm pretty sure my blood sugar is still going to be high in an hour or so. I can almost bet money on it. The obvious thing to do would be to stop eating pizza. Yeah that makes sense but I'm allowed to cheat every now and then right? :)

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