Saturday, November 9, 2013

What are the chances that my kids will have diabetes?

One question that I always wonder about is, "Will my kids end up having diabetes?" The thought of that happening scares me! I have enough trouble taking care of myself. How could I possibly make sure my kids' blood sugar is where it's suppose to be and make sure they took their insulin? I see how much my parents worry about my blood sugar when I'm sick, etc. They don't worry as much now that I'm older but when I was a teenager they worried A LOT. How in the world would I be able to afford to take care of myself plus another diabetic. I am probably thinking too much into this but this is my reality. It is very possible that at least one of my children will have diabetes. I pray they don't but it could happen. I would really like to know what the chances of that happening are. I know how difficult it is to live with this disease so I really do not want my kids to have to deal with it. I know if this happens I will some how find a away to deal with it but it's scary just to think about it. :-c

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