Thursday, November 14, 2013

Endocrinologist appointment!!!

I went to my endocrinologist the other day. I don't really have anything too exciting to say about it. My A1C was 7.3. That's not too bad but It's higher then it was 3 months ago. Back in August my A1C was 6.9! I was so proud of myself but lately I have been slacking. I have been eating A LOT of junk and that needs to stop! I think I would have better control if I could get an insulin pump...ugh that's a whole other story.
I have posted about this whole pump situation before but for anyone that doesn't know the insurance company has denied me an insulin pump THREE TIMES! I have been told 3 times that insurance won't cover an insulin pump BUT at my endo appointment the other day they told me they had an approval number from when I was approved.. so which is it??? Was I approved or not??? I tried calling the insurance company today about it but was ready to pull my hair out because all I got was recordings. Can I speak with a REAL person please?! Talking to a frickin recording isn't getting me anywhere! Hopefully I will have better luck tomorrow... Keeping my fingers crossed that all this mess gets straightened out soon!

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