Friday, November 8, 2013

Feeling guilty...

The longer I've been on insulin shots, the more I realize how much easier my life would be with an insulin pump. I went to dinner tonight with a friend and of course I didn't want to interrupt dinner to excuse myself to take my shot so my blood sugar ended up going high because I waited so long to give myself insulin. If I had a pump the only thing I would have to do is push a couple buttons and the insulin would be delivered. But of course the process of getting an insulin pump is being made more difficult then it has to be. I have really been slacking on the care of my diabetes because I don't feel like pulling out my needles every time I eat, or decide to snack on junk food. I really don't want to know what my A1C is going to be when I go back to my endocrinologist..ugh...I'm such a bad diabetic.. :( I'm starting to feel a little guilty about the way I'm taking care of myself. *sigh* .___.

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