Thursday, December 18, 2014

How To Keep Your Pills Organized

When you are on a lot of medicine, keeping track of what prescriptions need to be filled and what prescriptions are waiting at the pharmacy, can be a difficult task! I have come up with my own system to help me keep my medicines organized. This might be a little confusing to explain, but I'm hoping my system can help someone else stay organized!

Key Items:
Sticky Notes
Pill Box

I feel like I am on more medicine than a 90 year old women! So, keeping my pills in a pill box is a must! Filling my pill box, and keeping track of which pills need to be filled, sometimes makes my head spin.

I keep all of my pill bottles in a medium size bag so they are always together. Before I fill my pill box, I take all of my pill bottles out of my bag so they are easier to see.

I usually start with my day time meds first. When I finish putting one medicine in the pill box, I can tell if I'm going to need to get it refilled before the next week.

When I sit down and go through my pills the following week, I can never remember which pills (or other prescriptions) are waiting at the pharmacy, and which ones still need to be called in. My pharmacy has an automated system so when you need a refill all you have to do is call the pharmacy and type in your prescription number and then the pharmacy fills it! It's so simple!

When I call a prescription in, I write it down on a sticky note and stick it to the pill bottle. When I have a prescription that can't be filled yet, I write that down a sticky note.

When I sit down the following week to fill my pill box, I can look at the sticky notes on my pill bottles and see which prescriptions need to be picked up, or if I have one that has a note that says, "too soon to be filled," I know that I need to call that one in again.

When I'm down to my last vial of insulin, I write a note and stick it to the box and put the box back in the refrigerator. When I can't remember if I've called it in, all I have to do is look at the note!

This system isn't perfect but it works for me!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Annoying Questions/Comments Diabetics Hear

Since I have been a diabetic for a while now, I get asked a lot of the same questions and hear a lot of the same comments repeatedly. Watch here to find out what the top most annoying questions and comments are to me!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

How I Was Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes

I don't think I've made a post yet about how I was diagnosed with diabetes so I decided to explain my story in a video. In this video I talk about how old I was when I was diagnosed, and some of the things that I went through that led to my diagnosis.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Could the changing weather be playing a part in my depression?

Could the changing weather be playing a part in my depression? I feel like since the end of October I've just been depressed and I can't shake it. It's like when the weather started to change, so did my mood. I don't feel like doing anything or going anywhere. I didn't even feel like going to get my nails done a couple weeks ago and that is definitely not like me. I love getting my nails done!

I would rather lay in bed and sleep than get up and do something. I have no motivation at all. I don't even want to be sitting here posting but I am forcing myself to do it anyway. 

A few weeks ago, this guy that I was talking to and really liked decided he wanted to work things out with his ex. Things with us were going great so it was a huge slap in the face so I think that's part of why I started to get depressed. Usually when things like that happen, I bounce back within a few days  and I get over it but I feel like I just keep getting more depressed even after I stopped worrying about what's his name.

Not having a job right now is not helping at all. I have nothing to do with my day. I have a mountain of laundry that needs to be put away and another pile of clothes that need to be washed but it's like I just don't care enough to do it. I just lay in bed and stare at it.

After Thanksgiving, I usually get super excited for Christmas. I get so excited to put up decorations and buy Christmas presents for my friends and family but I'm having a really hard time getting in the spirit this year. 

Yesterday, I wanted to help my Mom put up Christmas decorations even though I wasn't really feeling it. I attempted to put together our little Christmas tree but I lost my patience pretty quickly. I ended up giving up and locking myself in my bedroom instead. I sat on my bed and cried and hated life and everything for about an hour. Over a Christmas tree? Yeah, that's what depression does to you. 

If it was warmer outside, I think that would definitely help lift my mood but it's December. It's cold and today it just happens to be raining. 

Depression sucks. No one deserves to hate life but when you're depressed, sometimes you do. It's frustrating when you know you're depressed, but there's not much you can do about it. Sure, you can force yourself to go out and make plans, or get up and do your laundry but depression won't just go away. I know mine won't. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist in 2 weeks. I'm sure he'll increase my medicine or add another medicine so I'm hoping that helps!