Monday, September 10, 2012

My Story

     Hi, my name is Katie and I'm 19 years old. When I was 11, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Over the years, I have come to realize that there are no support groups or anything for teenagers or young adults who have diabetes. That is why I wanted to make a blog. I want other young adults and teens, that are living with this disease, to know they are not alone. I also want the people that don't have diabetes, to have a better understanding of what it's like to live with it and how difficult it is.

My Story:
I was in 5th grade when I started getting sick. I was about 5'5'' and weighed about 84 pounds. I was absolutely sick looking. I was always thirsty and it didn't matter how much I drank. I was still thirsty. I had headaches every day and I was even peeing the bed in the middle of the night. Even through all that, my parents and I never thought anything was wrong. During summer vacation I was still having the same symptoms but never thought anything of it. That year I started middle school. I was going to the bathroom several times during one class and I constantly needed a drink of water. In October, we had a surprise party for my Dad's 40th birthday. I was drinking  A LOT of soda that night because I was so thirsty. I drank so much I felt sick to my stomach. I finally went to my Mom and told her I wanted to go to the doctor because I thought something was wrong. We scheduled an appointment for later that week. When I went to the doctor, they checked my blood sugar. My blood sugar was so high it wouldn't read on the glucometer. I was terrified. I was immediately put in the hospital. After one night in the local hospital, I was taken to A.I. Dupont Hospital in Wilmington, Delaware. During my stay, I was taught how to check my blood sugar, how to count carbs, how to give myself shots, etc. Looking back now, I would never have thought my life would be like this. I never imagined taking care of my health would be this hard or time consuming. Diabetes does not keep me from doing what I want. I just have to be extra careful with some things I do. I would never wish this on anyone but I would like to help other people that deal with this same disease.


  1. Hiya Katie! :) My name is AnnMarie and I am friends with your mom! We met through the wonderful world of blogging! Blogs are such a great way to share support and a wonderful form of expression! Yours is awesome and it looks like you are off to a great start! I wish you lots of love and luck with your blogging adventure! :) Take care! Big hug!

  2. Hi Katie! I know your mom through her blog and SCS. I wish you luck on your journey and I hope you can help other young people like your self as well as others who don't understand diabetes.

    Type 1 & 2 run in my mom's family. I also had gestational diabetes and I understand a little bit about how much work it is on a daily basis to take care of your health.

    Good luck with your blog and your diabetes!

  3. Hi Katie. I'm also a friend of your mom through her blog and SCS. It is so wonderful that you are journaling your journey through your blog and reaching out not only to others with this health issue, but also to others with other health issues and those who are in good health. I do hope that they will come to understand what life is like for you and others like you and become more compassionate. About 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with a disease which went into remission and then in 1998, it came back. Part of my treatment was to give myself 2 shots every day. I never thought I could do it, but the alternative wasn't very good, so I learned to do it. Luckily, I was able to get well and stop giving myself those shots, but I know if I had to, I'd still be doing it even though it's not a pleasant experience. I hope that you will keep up your spirits and know that you can do anything. I wish you the best of everything and hope that you will continue to have a positive attitude. Hugs.

  4. Love you Katie! You are such a strong beautiful young woman! I know that your blog can be a wonderful ray of hope for others!

  5. All these comments make me feel great! Thank you all for the support!
