Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Insulin Pump???

I mentioned the other day that I was trying to get a new insulin. The insurance company denied it saying they need more information. Well, I gave them all the info they wanted over a week ago and I have not heard anything. Those that know me, know that I am NOT a patient person whatsoever! I have emailed 2 people in the last few days trying to figure out what's going on and do you think I have heard anything???...of course not. One of these people is a pharmaceutical rep for the Eastern Shore. I don't know who the other lady is but she is the one that submitted an appeal to my insurance company so if anyone knows what's going on with the insurance company it would be her but of course no reply from her either.
The last few months I have been doing insulin injections and that's fine but I am starting to see how an insulin pump would make my life so much easier again! The very first insulin pump I had was Medtronic and I should have just stayed with that one... but then I came across the Omnipod which I thought was going to be the best thing for me but that turned into a POS! and learn I guess.
It's just very frustrating trying to do the right thing to better control your diabetes but insurance and the insulin pump companies make it so difficult! Praying the I hear something soon! :)

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