Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Diabetes, Exercise, Hypoglycemia (Low Blood sugar)

One of the things diabetics are told, is to exercise! It will help you to have better control over your blood sugars...that's what I'm told anyway! I have been trying to go to the gym several times a week. It really helps to bring my blood sugar down when it is high and that's great! But it ALWAYS brings it down too much! I feel like no matter what I do, I'm losing. My blood sugar won't ever  be in the normal range. It will be too high or too low! UGH! It's a never ending cycle. I check my blood sugar before I work out. If it's even 200, it will drop and it will drop quickly!!! I have tried eating a snack before I work out or drinking some juice..it still drops! I have tried eating protein before I work out, and it does nothing to help. I have even turned off my basal rate so I'm not getting any insulin while I work out! I still go low! What is the frickin point of working out, if I'm just going to have to eat a lot of carbs and sugar! If I eat a lot before I work out, I feel sick. If I eat after I work out, why did I even bother going to the gym because I just put all those calories back in my body! Exercising is suppose to be good for my body but it seems like it's just putting my body at risk. When I go to the gym, I can't push myslef to work out really hard because I'm too busy keeping track of my blood sugar or too busy worrying about it! I want to be able to get on the treadmill for an hour, and not have to worry about anything. After 30 minutes, I'm done. And I can't do any weight lifting or anything because I have to go eat. Now, I'm just to the point I don't even want to go to gym at all but I still try to push myself. My next idea is to go to the gym during the time of day when my blood sugar is the highest to see if that helps any. I always wake up in the morning with high blood sugar so I'm hoping if I go to the gym in the AM after I eat breakfast, that will help. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

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