Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Insulin Pump, Snacking, Diabetes

These days, diabetics are told they can eat whatever they want. Years ago, it didn't use to be like that. Whenever we eat, we have to give ourselves insulin (either through a shot or an insulin pump). At dinner, we have to take give insulin. Then, five minutes later if we want a piece of cake, we have to give ourself more insulin. The doctors and diabetes educators tell us that is ok...and I guess it is ok. But what they don't tell you is that if you snack on junk all day (and we all do it!), then your blood sugar is going to constantly be high. Carbs and sugar get "soaked up" in your body faster than insulin does. The food will be in your system almost immediately but insulin takes TWO HOURS to completely work! Let's say you are at a party. When you arrive, you get a glass of punch and eat dinner. You give yourself insulin for all that you ate. An hour later, you decide to visit the snack table. You give yourself insulin but your body hasn't had time to process the insulin from dinner so your blood sugar is already going to be slightly high. Then, 2 hours after you had dinner, you decide to get a piece of cake. Your body has processed the insulin from dinner but is still processing the insulin you took to cover all your snacks so your blood sugar is still high. If you go through that cycle several times in a day, your blood sugar is never going to be in the normal range.
This weekend I went on vacation to New Jersey. When anyone goes on vacation, they eat! I ate so much stuff! I went on the boardwalk and I got fried pickles, fried cookie dough, cheesesteak, etc. My body didn't have any time to process the insulin before I was shoving something else in my mouth! Of course, my blood sugar was high the whole time! I'm not sure if I explained this right or if it makes sense at all but my point is no matter what the doctors tell you, you still have to watch what you eat!

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