Sunday, December 30, 2012

Diabetes and Pregnancy

Being a diabetic is hard work and stressful! Having diabetes while being pregnant just adds even more stress! No, I am not pregnant or plan on getting pregnant any time soon..but pregnancy is something women with diabetes should think about and prepare themselves for. Because I was diagnosed when I was only 11 years old, I never really thought about how diabetes would complicate a pregnancy when and if I decide to become pregnant. Now that I am getting older, and I see girls that are around my age having babies, I think a lot about how pregnancy would affect my health along with the babies. A friend of mine is a diabetic and she just had a baby. She had the baby a week early and her baby was still over 9lbs! I already know that diabetic women are at risk for having large babies but that's about all I I have done some research.
 High blood sugars early in the pregnancy will INCREASE your risk of miscarriage and birth defects. The risks are higher when your hemoglobin A1C is higher than 8% and your average blood sugars are higher than 180. During the last months of a pregnancy, the women may need more insulin because the body becomes more insulin resistant. Macrosomia occurs in 15-45 percent of diabetic pregnancies. Macrosomia is when the baby weighs more than 9lbs at term.
The website I got this info from was very helpful. I will post it below.

Reading about diabetes and pregnancy, is starting to make me worry. I know I probably have a few years before I have kids but my blood sugar levels are not in great control. It's not terrible but it's not really good either. The last time I went to my endocronologist my A1C was over 8%. My blood sugars are all over the place. They go from normal, to high, to low and back to high in just one day. Yes..I am only 19 and the ones reading this are probably thinking "this girl should not be worrying about this now." But this is my reality! This is just one of the problems I will face in life being a diabetic!
I'm going to go on YouTube and see if I can find any videos about women living with diabetes while pregnant!

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