Monday, December 17, 2012

So tired of being sick and tired!

I feel a little guilty complaining about my health after the tragedy in CT. But I am so fed up with the way my body works! I feel like I am always sick or on meds for something. Once I fix one problem, I get another. I was having bad depression so I was put on wellbutrin. Depression got better but it increased my anxiety A LOT! Then I got 2 abscesses that were infected. I am on strong antibiotics (bactrim DS) for it and it makes me sick to my stomach. I haven't been to work for almost 4 days because I have felt so shitty. I hate missing work. I feel so guilty and then I worry about money and how or if I can pay my car payment on time if I don't work. It's a never ending thing. I get sick. Can't work. Don't get paid.not sure if I can pay everything.....equals unwanted stress!!!

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