Thursday, December 13, 2012

I need to vent!!!

SOOOO...I know I made this blog so I could vent about diabetes but I (and my family) have had a rough week and I just need to vent about EVERYTHING.. and some of it is diabetes related. First, my uncle was taken to the hospital on Saturday. They did some tests and found a bleed in his brain. They couldn't give him the treatment he needed so they took him to another hospital that's atleast an hour away from where we live. They did surgery and a bunch of tests. They then found a leak of spinal fluid. He was getting better and wasn't as confused but today he was even more confused! They did a cat scan and found that he had a stroke. Another set back! I went and saw him the other day and his hospital is in the middle of the city and I HATE cities. I started getting very anxious and had what felt like a million panic attacks! On the way home, I threw up because I was so anxious. I have had attacks before but not to the point where I threw up.
Today, I ran out of insulin. I have tried calling my doctor for 2 weeks to get a prescription refill but of course I did't get it. That was another big stresser because it only takes me a few hours without insulin to go into DKA. (Done that before) But I finally got it!
Ok, the next thing...earlier in the week I had a bump under my skin and I just thought it was a pimple or something like that. Each day it grew and got more painful and became hot to the touch. Eventually, it was atleast the size of a golf ball. Maybe even bigger then that. I finally went to the ER. They told me it was an abscess..oh and I had 2 of them! At that point I am thinking the doctor will just give me antibiotics and send me home...NOT! He made two holes to drain the pus and infection! Then, he had to put packing in the holes so the infection continued to drain..and that's been in there for 2 days. I went back tonight for a recheck. She took the packing out and said that there was still too much infection and she had to make the drainage holes BIGGER! By tonight, the stress of everything was really getting to me. I hadn't cried all week about my uncle. But when that doctor said she was going to cut me open for the second time I immediately had a panic attack. I am usually very good about that stuff but I could not physically or mentally take anything else. I cried for the first time this week and I knew I was not going to be able to handle this procedure. The doctor ended up giving me Xanax and some other pill because I was so worked up. For the first time in my life, I cried during a health procedure. I have had needles stuck in my hips, feet, had wisdom teeth out, laparoscopic surgery, and I have had a mole removed while I was awake. All that didn't bother me. It was painful but I could handle it. I just could not handle anything else this week. Thank god my mom was there with me because I don't know what I would have done without her! And to make that whole situation worse, the abscesses are on my butt!!!! One on each cheek! So of course I can't sit for too long or walk without it hurting.
It has been almost a week since everything started happening and I am drained. I'm not hungry and my stomach has been upset from all this (but it also might be because of a new medicine I started this week). I didn't write this post for attention. I just really needed to vent and I do feel a little better. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. You rock. Keep doin your thing. You're definitely the bravest girl I've ever met.
    Anonymously yours
