Saturday, December 1, 2012

My body is so confusing!!!

So, for days now my blood sugar has been 200 and above. The last 2 days, it has been getting better...A LOT better actually. Lately, before I go to bed my blood sugar is below 100 so I eat a little snack so it stays up over night. Then, I expect it to be high when I wake up in the morning and It's not! It's been around 150 when I wake up and usually its in the 200's. I am almost always high after breakfast but all day today I have been below 120! I think It's helping that I have been measuring EVERYTHING I eat so I know exactly how many carbs I'm getting. Aslo, I have been taking my symlin shot more often when I eat. I really hope that as long as I keep doing all this, my blood sugar will stay under control

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