Monday, November 26, 2012

"Insulin is not a cure. It's my life support."

This brave little girl stole my heart. Her story took me back to 9 years ago when I was diagnosed.
Watch "Alana's Type 1 Diabetes Story" on YouTube

Diabetes Rap!

I was searching random stuff on YouTube and I came across this and I LOVE IT! Enjoy!
Watch "Diabetes Rap ???!!!!
Stupidest song ever!!!" on YouTube

Bad day!

Today has been horrible. My blood sugar has not been below 300 all day! I keep giving myself insulin but nothing is working. I have barely eaten anything all day so I know It's not because I have been snacking a lot. My insulin pump isn't leaking. It seems like lately my blood sugar has been 200 or higher and It's pissing me off!!! I should probably call my endocrinologist but he will put me on more insulin. I am already on a shit load of insulin and that's probably the reason why I have been gaining weight and I don't want to gain anymore weight. Ugh!!!! It's aggravating! I'm thinking maybe my insulin pump has something to do with it. I feel like I was doing better when I had my Medtronic pump. Maybe not by much but better than I am now. I feel bad for switching pumps again. I have only had the omnipod for not even a year and my family and I went through so much to get it that I would hate to switch yet again. I am so confused and frustrated right. I'm also scared because if I can't get my blood sugar under control, I'm going to have a lot more problems in the future :(

Monday, November 19, 2012

Diabetes and my pet peeves!

One of my pet peeves is when other people are concerned about what I eat. They might call it "concerned" but I call it "being nosey and I really wish you would mind your own damn business". One day when I was at work, my blood sugar went low. This girl looked at me and said, "Do you really think you should be drinking that milk." I felt like saying, "Do you really think you should be eating that piece of cake?" When people ask dumb questions like that, I have to try so hard not to say something smart. I know some people just care but please educate yourself on my disease before you start telling me how to control it.
When I'm at work, I usually have to turn my basal rate Off for a few hours because I have a terrible time with going low because I'm constantly moving. For those of you who don't know what a basal rate is, it's the amount of insulin your insulin pump gives you in an hour to help keep your blood sugar controlled. Since, insulin lowers your blood sugar and you know your blood sugar is going to be on the lower side for a while you kind of just want to get rid of it. That's the only way I know how to explain it. Anyway, that's what I did One day at work. I wasn't getting any insulin while I was at work one day because I turned off my basal rates. Well, because my body has issues, my blood sugar still went down to 39! My supervisor was questioning me about why my blood sugar dropped because she knows it all, right? (Sarcasm) Well, I explained to her that I didn't know why my blood sugar dropped because I had turned my basal rate off. She looked at me and said, "Well don't you think that maybe you SHOULDN'T have done that?" I wanted to smack her. I was so frustrated. Her grandson is a type 1 diabetic, so I thought she understood but obviously not. And since her grandson has diabetes, she automatically knows EVERYTHING about diabetes and can tell you how to treat it (Sarcasm again). People do not think before they speak. And maybe I'm overreacting, but everything gets old when you live with the same disease 24/7 your entire life.

Walk for Diabetes 2013

Me and some friends are getting together to raise money for diabetes! There is a diabetes walk April 2013 that we will be participating in! I'm super excited to be apart of this. Diabetes is a MAJOR part of my life and so many other lives as well! In the link I will post below, feel free to join our team or even donate! We aren't asking for a lot. Every little bit counts! Diabetes is a disease that is close to our hearts and we would greatly appreciate it if you could help us raise money to hopefully one day find a cure.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Friends with diabetes, DKA

When I got home from work tonight, I had a text message from a good friend that also has diabetes. She was being admitted to the hospital because she had gone into DKA. I feel bad because I know how that feels. I know what it's like to spend a night or 2 in the hospital, and getting my blood sugar checked every 1-2 hours. I also know how frustrating and scarey it is. I wish I could take it away from her but I can't. I wish I had special powers to cure diabetes for her, other diabetics, and myself.
I wouldn't wish diabetes on anyone. But it is nice to know that I have a few friends that have diabetes. We may not talk all the time or be "best" friends, but because of this disease we truely are "best" friends and we will always have a bond no matter how close we really are. Diabetes is something that you can't understand unless you are actually living with it. You DO NOT understand just because your aunt is a diabetic. You DO NOT understand just because your blood sugar drops occassionally. You DO NOT understand just because your grandson is diabetic and you give him shots every once in awhile. You MIGHT have a taste of what it's like to live with diabetes but you DO NOT completely know. Even the doctors don't understand!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Forgetting Your Insulin/Insulin Pump

Who would have ever thought that a diabetic could actually forget to take their insulin or even forget their insulin pump? Well, I am here to tell you that IT IS possible! While trying to live our lives as normal as possible, it is so easy to forget the most important thing to us! Today, I left for work about 30 minutes early so I could go to subway. I ate my sub and was getting ready to give myself insulin for it when I remembered, "Oh sh*t! I left my PDM (the "remote" that controls my insulin intake through my pump") at home, along with all my extra insulin!) I thought I would be alright because I was only supposed to be working for 4 hours. Well, an hour and a half into my shift I was feeling sick to my stomch, I had a headache, and I was extremely thirsty. I was not going to last 4 hours and I was stupid to think that I could. I didn't want to leave work early but I knew that if I didn't, I was probably going to be even more sick than I already was. I can see how someone who is not a diabetic, wonder, "How in the world can you forget your insulin/insulin pump?" It's just like when someone who is not diabetic, forgets to take their pills in the morning or before they go to bed. It is the same thing, except forgetting your insulin sometimes has bigger consequences. It sucks and when I do it, I end up getting down on myself for it because I know what could happen if my blood sugar gets too high.