Monday, November 5, 2012

Forgetting Your Insulin/Insulin Pump

Who would have ever thought that a diabetic could actually forget to take their insulin or even forget their insulin pump? Well, I am here to tell you that IT IS possible! While trying to live our lives as normal as possible, it is so easy to forget the most important thing to us! Today, I left for work about 30 minutes early so I could go to subway. I ate my sub and was getting ready to give myself insulin for it when I remembered, "Oh sh*t! I left my PDM (the "remote" that controls my insulin intake through my pump") at home, along with all my extra insulin!) I thought I would be alright because I was only supposed to be working for 4 hours. Well, an hour and a half into my shift I was feeling sick to my stomch, I had a headache, and I was extremely thirsty. I was not going to last 4 hours and I was stupid to think that I could. I didn't want to leave work early but I knew that if I didn't, I was probably going to be even more sick than I already was. I can see how someone who is not a diabetic, wonder, "How in the world can you forget your insulin/insulin pump?" It's just like when someone who is not diabetic, forgets to take their pills in the morning or before they go to bed. It is the same thing, except forgetting your insulin sometimes has bigger consequences. It sucks and when I do it, I end up getting down on myself for it because I know what could happen if my blood sugar gets too high.

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