Thursday, November 20, 2014

What's your normal blood sugar?

I think every diabetic has their own "normal" blood sugar but it's not always healthy. Sometimes when your blood sugar is in the normal range, you don't feel good. I think that's what is happening to me. I feel the best when my blood sugar is between 150-250 and that is not good!

I admit that I don't take care of myself like I should. I shouldn't say I do this all the time but I go through phases. I can go days, weeks, and even months where I am very on top of things. When my CGM is telling me my blood sugar is over 200-250, I do a correction and I'm very good about counting carbs instead of just guessing. But then I start slacking. I honestly just don't care sometimes that my blood sugar is over 200 so I don't do a correction. I might eat a cookie or 2 and not give myself insulin for it or I might just give myself part of the insulin I'm supposed to take. Because of doing this, my body has gotten use to having a high blood sugar.

For the last couple of weeks, I have been waking up in the morning with a blood sugar over 200. I am very aware of the reason. I like to get up in the middle of the night for snacks and like I said before I don't bolus (give myself insulin through my insulin pump), or I don't bolus for everything I eat. So, last night when I had a snack, I counted carbs and bolused like I'm supposed to. When I woke up this morning, I had a great blood sugar of 120! BUT I didn't feel good. I didn't have any energy. I felt like I had to eat something to get it higher so I would feel good again. I did eat and I bolused the correct amount. After that, I did some cleaning and ran a couple errands. After I sat down, I didn't feel good again. I checked my blood sugar and it was 89. It was on the lower side but it's right where it's supposed to be before a meal. What I'm trying to get at is that when you let your blood sugar stay on the higher side, your body gets use to it and your body thinks that's where it's supposed to be. THIS IS NOT GOOD! I am well aware of this.

Why do I let this happen? Because sometimes I just want to feel like a regular person. I want to be able to eat without pulling out my gadgets to test my blood sugar and give myself insulin. I don't want to have to worry about my blood sugar going low when I'm out and about living my life. Diabetes sucks ass! It's a full time job plus a few part time jobs put together. There are no breaks or days off. I know I'm just putting myself at risk for complications down the road. With that being said, I need to get myself back on track. I go to my endocrinologist next week and I'm sure he's going to have a field day with me. I'm not looking forward to it at all.

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