Monday, November 24, 2014

Too much insulin. Not enough carbs!

For those who don't know, keep in mind that the more carbs a type 1 diabetic eats, the more insulin they will have to take to maintain a normal blood sugar.

I believe every person deserves a day they shouldn't worry about what goes in their mouth and diabetics are no exception! Over the last year, I have really cut back on the junk I put in my mouth. I use to be the cupcake queen! Little Debbie was my b*tch (LOL). Though I've cut back on junk food, I do have a day every couple months that I splurge and I just don't really care about what I eat. Well, today was one of those days!

For lunch, I had THREE slices of pizza. Pizza makes my blood sugar sky rocket so I should of only eaten one slice. Maybe two. But I was starving so I had to eat three slices.

There's usually 30 g of carbs in one slice of pizza so I should of had a total of 90 g of carbs. Since, my blood sugar spikes when I eat pizza, I added an extra 10 g of carbs.

A few hours later I was craving a frozen mocha from Panera bread. Before I drank it, I checked my blood sugar. When I checked, my blood sugar was 70. A little low but not bad at all considering I ate a lot for lunch!

Usually, frozen mochas leave my blood sugar higher than it should be so I thought that I better Google how many grams of carbs it has in it. I was shocked when I found that a medium frozen mocha has 94g of carbs in it! That's a ton more than I had expected! It's no wonder my blood sugar is always high after I drink one! I wasn't counting for enough carbs (I wasn't getting enough insulin)!

I let my mom have a few sips of my tasty drink and I don't think I realized just how much she really drank. Less than 2 hours later after I gave myself insulin, my blood sugar was 45!

I had just left the grocery store when I started to feel funny. Of course I didn't notice the symptoms when I was sitting in the parking lot of the grocery store. I had to be driving! I pulled over to the side of the road as soon as I found a safe place. I had a few glucose tablets and I managed to find some old gummy bears in my purse so the problem was easily solved!

9 times out of ten when I have a day I eat a lot of carbs, my blood sugar ends up high but today the complete opposite happened. I had too much insulin and not enough carbs! Sometimes it's hard to judge how many carbs you've actually eaten.

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