Friday, November 21, 2014

5 Things That Help With Depression

I have dealt with depression and bipolar disorder since I was in middle school (I'm 21 years old now). Below is a list of 5 things that help me with my depression and mood swings.

1. Listen to music. Music is like therapy to me. There is always a song that fits the mood I'm in. When I'm sad I will play one of my favorite slow songs and I will sing to the top of my lungs! If I'm having guy problems, there is always a song the describes how I feel.

2. Go for a ride. When I'm depressed or have a lot on my mind one of my favorite things to do is to ride around on the back roads. I live in the country where there are a lot of farms and corn fields so sometimes I feel like I'm in the middle of nowhere and it's really nice. If you live in a city, this might not be as relaxing for you. Maybe you're one of those people that loves the city life so this might work for you. By the way, this is usually when listening to music comes in handy! Crank up the volume! 

3. Make plans. One thing that really helps me when I'm depressed is to make plans. Make plans to go out with your friends! When I make plans, I have something to look forward to. When I don't feel like getting out of bed, looking forward to something takes the edge off of depression. I feel like I'm not as depressed if I have something to look forward to!

4. Go out to eat. When I'm depressed and feeling like the whole world is against me, I love to go out to eat to my favorite restaurant. It's usually Applebee's! When I'm mad at the world, I always crave Applebee's boneless hot wings! As soon as they hit my mouth, it's like I'm in heaven! The taste just makes me so happy!

5. Take a bubble bath. I can sit in a nice, relaxing bubble bath for hours! I can just sit there and forget about the world...or cry if I need to! I always turn on Pandora (music) when I'm in the bathtub. It makes me feel so much better!

This is a list of activities that help me. They might not work for everyone!

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