Wednesday, November 26, 2014

High Blood Sugar, You Suck!

I just love starting my day off with a blood sugar reading over 400...said no one ever! I gave myself insulin to treat the high and checked 2 hours later. Guess what?! It's still over 400! I gave myself more insulin hoping this is just one of those fluke things.

I just tested again and I got a reading of 238. It's coming down but I definitely don't feel good. I feel like I could drink an entire river because I'm so thirsty. My body is so heavy whenever I get up to do something and I'm very cranky...classic symptoms of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)!

I was going to check for ketones but I don't have any pee sticks (ketosticks?). I feel like I just shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning! I might need a nap before the day is over.

I was trying to transfer some videos I have on my phone to my computer so I could eventually edit them and post them on here and YouTube but of course I can't do it! My pictures transfer but the videos won't. This is very minor but when your blood sugar is 400 and your "crazy" meds need to be adjusted, it feels like a huge problem! I was ready to flip my shit!...and there's blood all over my keyboard from typing after I did my finger stick. Lol!...diabetic problems for sure!

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