Thursday, November 20, 2014

Growing Up Duggar Review

If you are like me, you are obsessed with The Duggar Family from 19 Kids and Counting! I love watching 19 Kids and Counting! Even the reruns! The 4 oldest Duggar girls have written a book about relationships called, Growing Up Duggar. As much as I love the Duggar family, I wasn't sure I would be interested in reading this book but I downloaded it on my Kindle anyway.

I must say, I absolutely LOVED this book! I did not want to put this book down! These girls didn't just talk about relationships with boyfriends but relationships with their siblings, their parents, and their culture.

I'm not a very religious person, but I was inspired by how much God plays a part in their lives. Even if you are not a believer in God, you will still enjoy this book. The Duggar girls share a lot of stories from living with a large family to their time spent in foreign countries.

This book is perfect for young girls, but it would also be a great read for anyone that is working on their relationships with loved ones!

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