Monday, November 24, 2014

Plenty of Fish and Tinder Dating Website Review

Like most 21 year old single females, I want to meet new people, date, and potentially have a relationship with a nice guy! I'm not really a big fan of going out and partying and when I do I'm usually pretty shy (until I get a good buzz going on! Lol.), and since I'm more mature than most people my age, it's hard for me to meet people I have a connection with. So, I had the bright idea to try two online dating websites, Plenty of Fish and Tinder.

I have had some pretty bad luck with the dating scene. I have been in quite a few, VERY short relationships. I'm talking usually only a few weeks (Is that even considered a relationship?!), and then I get screwed over or I realize the guy is a POS.

I thought that with the help of some dating websites, my bad luck with men would change. I was so wrong!  

One of the first "dating" sites I tried was Tinder. I say "dating" because it's not dating. It's a bunch of guys (and probably women too...I don't roll that way so I wouldn't know!) looking for hook ups. I had heard on TV that Tinder was good for that and that couldn't be more true! These guys don't want relationships and most of them aren't even worried about getting to know you to have a friendship. They just want a booty call! If you are just looking for sex, Tinder is the perfect website to use.

The second site I have tried is Plenty of Fish (POF). I have to admit this site is a little better than Tinder but there are some creeps on there! I have met one or 2 guys from POF that I thought could have some potential but it just didn't work out for whatever reason (like they are still hung up on their baby mama!).

The only reason I still have a POF account now is because I find it entertaining! Some of the profiles on there crack me up! The other night I had a guy send me a message and his profile picture was a picture of an engagement ring! Maybe this is just me, but that just makes him look desperate. It was such a turn off! This guy was ready to get married to the first girl that showed him any interest. Well, it wasn't going to be me! That's not appealing to me whatsoever!

If you are single and need some cheap entertainment, make a Tinder or a POF account but don't go on there with the expectation to find a serious relationship because 9 times out of 10 you won't find it!

1 comment:

  1. I met my wife on POF. Maybe I was lucky, but that site was the best thing that ever happened to me. Everyone knows Tinder isn't for relationships so don't use it but give POF more time. You need to learn to filter the dirt from the gems.
